Photographs and Films by Don A. Kruse

Let’s Get practice in Focus


I haven’t been intentional with my own photography and filmmaking for several years. I’ve helped friends with their own projects and had some false starts with my own but now this is changing…for the better.

I’ve quit my 9 to 5 my day job to pursue a consulting career that is entwined with restarting my other pursuits: Photography and Filmmaking.

This means I will be practicing again. Despite being almost post-middle-age I need to practice. This is something that can’t be overstated. If you’re a musician, professional or not, you need to practice to retain your skills and to learn new ones. Photography is no different. Muscle memory plays a big role in how you interact with your tools.

The photograph featured in this post was taken in 1989 when I lived in San Francisco. I had on ongoing project that was about reflected urban light. Light that reflected off of structures on one side of a street and how they illuminated the structures on the opposite side. Once or twice a week I would simply go for a walk at certain times of day to capture the images. This took practice. I had to learn the best locations and times of the day.

So get out there and practice.



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